Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Power Of Thought

Our thoughts control our behavior or our attempts to avoid a certain behavior  Who we are, how we come across and the results we get are aligned with what we tell ourselves. What we lead ourselves to believe.
Take the evening news for example. The news presenters say 'good evening' and then proceeds to tell us why it isn't. (A borrowed line). The same goes for us humans. Nothing is good or bad until our thoughts make it so. It is these thoughts that set the 'vibration' we are in and presents to the world who we are at first glance - not who we really are because we are masked by fear, doubt, pity and so on.
The point is, we attract back into our lives what and who we are and until we are able to conquer fear, doubt and self pity then we will always, to some extent, dance to their tune. It must be said that these emotions can play an important role in guiding us but being in control of oneself and recognizing the emotions for what they are and why they are present goes a long way to self actualization.
In this or any state, we will attract people of like mind and the inner peace within us will make for some awesome relationships (among other things) because we have conquered our hang ups and can present the REAL us with the confidence that we are in charge.
Also, in this self actualizing state, we become emotionally stronger and tend to make more of the right decisions and with that happiness follows, clarity prevails and life all of sudden looks a pretty good proposition.