Sunday, May 26, 2013

FaceBook not anymore?

The tittle of the post may sound very unrealistic, as the way popularity of FB is growing in India and more and more people are joining it everyday, how can I write it off in my tittle? But that is what FB has started experiencing in some part of the world (read the article (link given) to know more... :-)). I have recently gone through a survey published on, that talks about the waning enthusiasm of young population in America towards FB. 
FaceBook is waning

Isn't it going to be an issue for FB across all geography, where some years down the line, most youngsters would have their parents, grandparents on FB and instead of a cool social networking platform, it will be used to micro manage the kids by the parents. Do you remember the days, when Landline phones were in trends? Remember the how desperately we wanted to close a conversation, when our friends used to make a call and entire family used to sit there watching us and (un)intentionally being a part of our conversation? Perhaps the biggest factor why mobile became instant hit, because it added the privacy and mobility part. Sooner or later, FB is going to meet the same fate that boring land lines met (assuming, they don't come out with a solution to this). 

FB is "cool" because it gives us the freedom and allow us to be what we are. Imagine, if we were to customized our status update and comments, so that it goes down well with the imaginations and perceptions my kith and kins have about me, the purpose of having my account on FB is lost and I am better without it. So enjoy the freedom on social networking sites for few more years until it becomes a tool for micro managing for parents.... :-) 

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