Friday, August 12, 2011

Belief or luck

While stepping out on a sunny day, when sun was at its peak and testing everyone on the road, a guy, unruffled by stubborn sun, said himself "It is going to rain today". People around him, who heard this, scoffed at the bullheadedness of the guy. Working under sun, completely drenched in sweat, he looked at the sky and with the same serenity said again "It is going to rain today" and gave another chance to people around him to laugh at him.

Little more time ticked away, when suddenly cool breeze started shooing away the hot wind, sun started losing its reign and was arrested by clouds which came from nowhere. It appeared as if a coup has happened and little drop of water from sky started spreading the incomparable smell of soil everywhere. Yes, it rained.

When I first heard this story, it looked like a fairy tale to me, which is bound to end on a pleasing note. My first reaction was "he was a lucky chap", but then was it really a luck or an unflinching belief that made him to see something, which was not visible to many eyes? How come a guy who turned out to be lucky at the end, was so serene in entire episode? It can't be luck alone or may not be luck at all. It must be something that was residing within that man, which was bolstering his morale each time he was saying to himself that it is going to rain. It has to be "BELIEF". A belief which is so strong that it obliterate the sun, a belief, which was not ready to die just because everyone else had different opinion and circumstances were proving them right.

Life doesn't give smooth ride to anyone and we make it worst by filling negativity in it in our day to day life. While starting for office, the incident that happened yesterday haunt us and fill our mind with the thoughts that we are going to be screwed for that today, there is no surprise that our thoughts take the shape of reality and we do get screwed up. How many of us, while planning for a trip with friends ignore the roadblocks which may come and think of the gala time we are going to have together, if you are being true to yourself, you know the answer.

As a famous saying goes "you can't run east looking for a sunset", we have to figure out what we want from life and have to belief that it can be achieved. Circumstances will not always favor us, but if we fall back and let negativity reign on our thoughts, our dreams will not turn real. So next time, when I am slapped hard by the destiny, I will follow one of the best Indian movies "3 idiots" and will say to myself "ALL IZZ WELL" and believe that everything is well and if it is not, I will set it right. It may or may not ease out my surroundings but will surely help me in stepping out to enjoy my journey... :)

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