Thursday, July 14, 2011

Time for yet another healing

Happy belated B'day Kasab, you have completed enough time in India to become eligible for the hospitality, India is known for. The soul of our warm hospitality underlies in the dictum, that says "Athiti Devo Bhava" i.e. Guest is God. You were never a welcomed guest in our country neither you are going to be ever, but the way our government has treated you so far, you are the most expensive guest (welcomed or unwelcome), we have ever had. So let me play my part by wishing you B'day.

You may not be aware of the fireworks that was done in Mumbai on your b'day. Though, there was no celebration, joy or harmony while those callous bomb were bursting, instead there was stampede, tears, fear, and ire.

So, you have again put this country in healing process, healing from the nightmares of seeing bloodshed, healing from a loss of losing someone they love. Congrats Kasab, people of your kind of believe have done it again.

Let me give you, your b'day gift in the form of an information. India is just like a sea, cool and calm, it peacefully accepts everything and forgives people for throwing all the garbage in it, but that doesn't mean that it is powerless. It owns tsunami in its belly and when it comes, it sweeps away everything. Incidents like yesterday have shaken the India's belly and brought the people together again. It has created the ripples, just wait for this ripples to become tsunami, until then, Enjoy your journey.

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